Chapter 6.
Nine Of Daisy-Chains
Nine is a daisy-chain of threes
Multiple-quality trinities
Linked together by common threads
Similar bellies, hearts and heads
Similar freudian / jung fixations
Shared psychic orientations
Triplet types of ills and tonics
Nine of various enharmonics
Tonally charged, then re-stated
Mixed and matched and variegated
Yielding nine of nature’s laws
Numerical ménage à trois
Enter the ennea-polygon
Balancing acts are going on
Watch performances and examine
What the acrobats have in common
Now hear psychic resonances
Swapping tones across their fences
Psychic, echoing sounding boards
Mimicking natural three-note chords
Sometimes side by side they start
Sometimes fourths and fifths apart
Making music in alliance
By agreement, in compliance
Rub-a-dub-dub, three men in a tub
Qualities jump from club to club
What compels them to each other
Puts unlikely teams together
What type wavelength, radio station
Personal frequency, oscillation
Freudian foul or fair-wind weather
Goes to determine which birds-of-a-feather
Add their numbers, what do you see
Totals of nine in groups of three
Nine is a many layered picture
Taking shapes in the ennea-structure
Daisy-Chain One – Higher Faculties
Psychic Seconds & Thirds 2-3-4, 5-6-7, 8-9-1
Heart-felt Charity makes Two attentive
Deep-seated Talent makes Four creative
Three is the Self-esteem crusader
all drive Emotion’s mood-elevator
All three specialize what they’re feeling
Emotional Junkies reeling and dealing
having a heart and jerking a tear
lending a sympathetic ear
keeping “in touch” with intuition
“up with the Joneses” competition
sharing things that are not spoken
fixing things that are not broken
Critical Thought makes Five scientific
Fresh Ideas make Seven prolific
Six is professor of Collective-Conscience
all use the Mind’s high level compartments
All three specialize what they’re thinking
Conspiracy Theorists winking and blinking
using the brains and figuring out
casting a shadow of a doubt
formula windmills in their heads
guns and ammo under their beds
inventing codes that can’t be cracked
Guns and brains, both are racked
Will-power Prudence makes One efficient
Gut-based Virility makes Eight persistent
Nine is commander of the Id’s Equanimity
all grow the instinct’s extra extremity
All three specialize what they’re sensing
Knee-Jerk Reactionaries wincing and tensing
wrenching the guts and beating a brow
nose to the grindstone, back to the plow
Scaring up food and fixed opinions
predicting weather from corns and bunyons
keeping antennas up when in doubt
tuning way in and tuning way out
Daisy-Chain Two – Fixations
Psychic Fifth Harmonics 3-7-8, 6-1-2, 9-4-5,
External-verts: Social selves
Ego at Seven is running a race,
Eight unabashedly cuts to the chase,
Three keeps reins on class control,
Movers and Shakers on the totem pole.
Three is sentient, Seven, intellectual,
Eight is visceral, all exceptional,
setting the pace for high achievers,
Top Dogs, Early Birds, Eager Beavers.
Hunters’ trophies on their walls,
status symbols in their stalls,
papparazzi at their heels,
big bananas, wigs, and wheels.
Supernal-verts: Moral selves
Conscience at One is self-behaving,
Two engages in people-saving,
Six stands guard with a sense of honor,
Vanguard Bearers of the moral banner.
One is instinctive, Two is emotional,
Six, sentimental, all-responsible,
holding court on communal affairs,
Watch Dogs, Mother Hens, Big Sugar Bears.
Family values in their homes,
creed and dogma in their tomes,
pedestals for their kings and queens,
unseen powers behind the scenes.
Internal-verts: Private selves
Id at Four is depth-reflecting,
Five is meticulously inspecting,
Nine is exploring his comfort zone,
Thinkers and Dreamers in the founders’ stone.
Five is cerebral, Four, hormonal,
Nine is sensual, all internal,
writing the book on self-divulgers,
Book Worms, Lone Wolves, Culture Vultures.
Esoterica art originals,
special cases in their pigeon holes,
traveler’s armchair in the den,
lonely hearts club kith and kin.
Daisy-Chain Three – Humors
Psychic Third Harmonics (clockwise) 1-3-5, 4-6-8, 7-9-2
Impersonal Group: The Pattern Makers
Super-Ego Instinct: One is principled
stiff-lip logical, knuckle-down sensibled
Ego At Emotions: Three is competent
toe-hold exemplary, head-turner confident
Id At The Intellect: Five, analytical
egg-head academic, motor-brain mechanical
all three typically hyper-methodical
these are the Rule-Minders; “Stick to protocol“
One can become too hard-nosed, fault-finding
Three, too nose-thumbing, score-keeping, status-minding
Five, deaf-eared in his know-it-all nook
Objectivists go straight by-the-book
Personal Group: The Mold Breakers
Id At Emotions: Four is unconventional
green-thumb original, blue-blood unpredictable
Superego Intellect: Six is inquisitive
rubber-neck vigilant, red-neck intuitive
Instinct At Ego Level: Eight, pragmatic
rock-gut visceral, un-systematic
all three typically super-explorative
these are the Loop-Holers; “Exercise prerogative“
Eight can be thick-skulled, antagonistic
Four can be thin-skinned, too fatalistic
Six gets a white-knuckle, weak-kneed look
Subjectivists go hook-or-by-crook
Either/Or Group: The Flexible Flyers
Ego At Intellect: Seven is versatile
light-foot flexible, south-paw reversable
Id At The Instinct: Nine is harmonious
soft-spot encouraging, blind-spot melodious
Superego Sentience: Two is caring
open-arm inviting, warm-hearted sharing
all three typically extemporaneous
these are the Option-Hunters; “Be spontaneous“
Seven can slip into tongue-wagging, surface-scratching
Nine can be lazy-bone, star-gazing, feet-dragging
Two, breast-beating in a scatter-brained trance
Optimists go by the seat-of-their-pants
Daisy-Chain Four – Mindsets
Psychic Fourth Harmonics 5-8-2, 4-1-7, 3-6-9
Twos wear their hearts out on their sleeves
Fives have brains coming out of their eaves
Eights come straight from the gut inside
Palpable Types are cut-and-dried
Four’s emotions get writer’s-blocked
thoughts at Seven pile up grid-locked
senses at One are taut and trained
Withershin Types are sifted-and-strained
Feelings at Three are undecided
Six’s attention is divided
Nine’s reactions are delayed
Straddling Types are mixed-and-weighed
Mixed-and-weighed, sifted-and-strained
cut-and-dried and daisy chained
three of mind-sets self-engendered
bearers of an “ennea-standard”
Misdirected on a typical course
Palpable Types use too much force
Withershin Types create divides
Straddling Types play both sides
Then in the heart, or head, or gut
mixed-and-weigheds get stuck-in-a-rut
cut-and drieds go over-the-top
sifted-and-straineds get all-pent-up
Two must learn to get off of your back
Five, keep his train-of-thought on track
Eight has to meet you in the middle
all must learn to soften-the-pedal
Three has to tighten the reins on mores
Six, get free of his revolving-doors
Nine, stop beating around the bush
all must wade-in-the-mud–and-push
Four must register poetic-license
One, unharness her one-trick horse-sense
Seven must ration his head-of-steam
all three paddle-against-the-stream
Daisy-Chains Five And Six
Harmonic Distortion
(Psychic 8-1-3, 2-5-6, 4-7-9) (Facultaic 8-9-5, 2-3-7, 1-4-6)
Three times three, by association
share the direction of disintegration
Ever as rain-cloud stresses form
three times three seek ports-in-a-storm
In no case are routes erratic
three seek light up in the attic
three seek hearth for warmth and breadth
three seek cellar for strength and depth
Three of similar psychic fears
backward slide into different spheres
looking for hope that always fails them
in no case can cure “what ails them”
Ego at Eight goes war-path beating
Conscience at One is guilt-trip speeding
Three slips out when they lower the boom
all seek Id for some wiggling room
Id at Four goes flaw-comparing
Ego at Seven goes devil-may-caring
Nine is leaning on his gold-brick shovel
all want Conscience’s stamp of approval
Conscience at Two goes jumping fences
Id at Five is shaving expenses
Six is inflating his bargaining chip
all ask Ego for a freebie trip
Eight climbs up to his bully-pulpit
Nine sweeps bad news under the carpet
Five from the pan to the fire rockets
fancy the Intellect’s magic-bullets
Two goes dangling a rescue-rope
Three grand-stands on a slippery slope
Seven for flights-of-fancy hankers
grope for the Instinct’s wild-guess anchors
One gets an itch she cannot scratch
Four, from the nettle to the briar patch
Six is filled with burning qualms
crave the Emotion’s soothing balms
Daisy-Chains Seven & Eight
Harmonic Resolution
(Psychic 3-4-8, 6-7-2, 9-1-5) (Facultaic 8-9-2, 1-3-7, 4-5-6)
Every character trait improves
as it develops and steadily moves
over a prescribed set of tracks
to reach the quality that it lacks
Traits that may distort the same
to resolve, take different aim
Each one has it’s de rigueur
one type’s Ego is another type’s cure
Three with the Conscience must connect
three resolve at the intellect
Just one spot has the right description
to interface with the type’s encryption
Eight in his cut-throat, instinct-driver
Three in her best face, show-boat arriver
Four in her deep-seated mood-mobile
must reach Conscience’s level-play field
Two in her double-breast, up-beat suits
Six in his “club-foot”, goose-step boots
Seven with his seven-league bounds and leaps
must go to Id to explore the deeps
Five in his ivory-tower shell
Nine with his wishful-thinking well
One, the army-of-one commando
must go to Ego’s big-picture window
Eight needs to cast his bread on the water
Nine, get his dream-boat out of harbor
Two dive deeper than a surface pounder
all need Emotion’s echo depth sounder
One must revise her first-edition
Three, measure up to her high position
Seven, peel another onion layer
all need the Intellect’s evidence-weigher
Six must fix his fear fixation
Five needs to fasten his fascination
Four needs a box for poetic wax
all need the Instinct’s plain-brass-tacks
Daisy-Chain Nine – Checks & Balances
Psychic Thirds (counter-clockwise) 7-5-3, 1-8-6, 4-2-9
Switch your partners, change connection,
do-se-do in reverse direction,
starting from One, then Four, then Seven,
three more daisy-chains do they govern.
Three is a set of new tribunals,
holding court in timeless communals,
one out of three from a different field
Three are the enclaves that they yield.
Two of faculties, two fixations,
two out of three share orientations,
matching teeth in the cogwheel gears,
forming new, political spheres.
models proclivities
Straddling types, when integrating,
find two new associates waiting
either side of the point they run,
the middlemost link in daisy-chain one.
Palpable types at center posts,
flanked by a pair of Freudian hosts,
join with the psychic point of view
shared in the partners’ daisy-chain two.
Withershin triplets find a place,
with one exception in Seven’s case,
after they integrate favorably
between the other two’s daisy-chain three.
Three of three-way partnerships yields
Three of cardinal, unified fields
re-combining field to field.
Thought and Emotion fraternize, Models of their proclivities
Instinct and Intellect homogenize, in their hives-of-activities
Feelings and Senses mix credentials, show their authoritative permutations
to get at more profound potentials. in their outward manifestations
Ions in numerical storms,
cross and swap their atomic forms,
yield trivalent valences,
creating checks and balances.
Two from the one and one from the other.
fly in the face of each one’s druther,
tempered in flames of political bellows,
These are the ennea-“Strange-Bedfellows”.
SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE 3-5-7 Business, Technology, Science
High in their Board of Directors aeries,
come three illustrious luminaries. pinnacles of success Hive Of Activity
Five, the Iconoclast, Seven is the Renaissance, Acrobat Lobbyist
Three is the Woman or Man par excellence Autocrat Anchor Man Promoter
Five in a Mental Windmill ponders Think-Tank walking encyclopedia thinks
Seven on a Magic Carpet wanders savors in a Garden Of Delight media winks
Three is adapted to above the street adapting to the changing beat
sittin pretty in the Cat-Bird-Seat. Status Symbol Pastures Of Plenty
Genius and Ardor set the scene
Ego manifests Bupbup and Trade
Where they assemble this Cognoscenti
Mankind cultivates Pastures-Of-Plenty
GUARDIANS OF JUSTICE 6-8-1 Government, Law, Religion
At their collective-bargaining benches
Sit tri-cornered government branches
Eight, the Executive, One, the Judicial
Six is the Legislative bureau official
One on the Throne-of-Judgment sits
Eight in the Seat-of-Power fits
Six has a place in the capitol city
Sharing the helm of the Steering Committee
Wisdom and Courage accept debate
Conscience manifests Church and State
Where these ‘Chairpersons’ share command
The Halls-Of-Justice firmly stand
MINISTERS OF TRUST 4-2-9 Home, Culture, Nature
Down at the seashore, mountain, or street
Three emissaries of good-will meet
Two, the Samaritan, Four the Artist Realist Evangelist Bohemian
Nine, the Ambassador of good-will Idealist diplomatic Good-Will Ambassador
Two at a Well-Of-Compassion waits, in a lighthouse watches and waits
Four at an Intersection meditates, cultivates, accommodates in a rose-garden cultivates
Nine offers travelers an Easy-chair
High in a castle-in-the-air.
Charity and Creativity fuel and warm
Id gives sanctuary from the storm
Where three ‘Nurturers’ keep returning
The Flame-Of-Homefires go on burning
Patrons Of The Arts
Government Business Home
Protectors Providers Nurturers
Guardians (Protectors) Providers ( Nurturers
6 Legislative-subj 3 Actor-obj 9 Diplomat-spon
8 Executive-subj 5 Scientist-obj 2 Samaritan-spon
1 Judicial-obj 7 Entertainer-spon 4 Artist-subjective
6 Responsibility 3 Liberty 9 Serenity
8 Power 5 Knowledge 2 Love
1 Integrity 7 Humor 4 Creativity
6 Halls of Justice 3 Pastures of Plenty 9 Fields of Clover
8 Tower of Power 5 Fount of Knowledge 2 Well Of Compassion
1 Pillar of Virtue 7 Garden of Delight 4 Bastion of
Passion is the enemy of precision.
Not that sixes, eights and ones
are the only fit to be guardians
but that those three most represent
when into that group the three are sent
If 1 were an A note
2 would be a Bb note
3 would be a C
4 would be a D#
5 would be an E# (F)
6 would be a G
7 would be a G
8 is an A
9 would be a G
A Bb B C / C# D Eb E / F F# G Ab
2-3-4 = B-C-D
5-6-7 = D-E-F
8-9-1 = F-G-A
Or how about the Circle of Fifths:
3 = C
4 = G
5 = D
6 = A
7 = E
8 = B
9 = F#
1 = C#
2 = G# (Ab) and F
3 = D# (Eb) and C
4 = A# (Bb) and G
5 = E# (F) and D
6 = C and A
4 = F
5 = C#
6 = A
7 =
© Copyright 2010, Song Of Numbers, Ennea-Dragon
Five on a Train-Of-Thought is guiding
Seven on a Magic Carpet’s riding
Three is adapted to above the street adapting to the changing beat
sittin pretty in the Cat-Bird-Seat. Status Symbol Pastures Of Plenty
Where these ‘Directors’ find address, Where they’re allowed to do their best,
Man reaches Pinnacles-Of-Success.
Five has Fountain-Of-Knowledge sight,
Seven does a Garden-Of-Delight,
Three is performing in the public plaza,
starting fresh as a Tabula Rasa
Nine is the Dream-boat Pleasure Cruise Captain
Magic Carpet thinks travels takes . . . trips
prc’s mtl Ess’l Dimension Soc’l State ?????
5. Gold Sea, Depth Capitalism Innovation/Industry/Science
7. Silver Air, Height Socialism Adventure/Exploration
3. Bronze Land, Breadth, Commercialism Politics/Commerce
2. Mercury xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx Education, Homemaking
4. Copper ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ Culture, Fashion
9. Aluminum ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Diplomacy, Philosophy
1. Stnl’s Steel ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ Jurisprudence, Law
8. Iron ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Justice, Rule
6. Tin ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Government, Religion
has a Bottomless-Well to tap
come three modes of transportation
five is the
seven is the land rover
three is the all terrain vehicle
Up from the valley, down from the hill Off in the woods
managers’ hearts are yearning, they keep the flame of homefires burning.
reproduces gives others the seat-of-honor
in a nursery watches over hosts the party
Literati bares the soul
is the introspective artist colony safe
Five on the train of thought will ride
Seven in the garden of delight
Caretakers keeping the flame
Those who think, see the humor.
Those who feel, see the tragedy.
Those who sense, keep the flame
liaison Philosopher Agitate Vindicator Navigator
two is the concierge, four is the priestessromantic Literati Cultivator Provocateur
Two, the Ambassador, Four is the Culture
Nine is the diplomatic good-will Indulger liaison philosopher
Two is the Altruist, Nurse Four, the Existentialist, Cultivator
Nine is the diplomat in good-will philanthropist. liaison philosopher
two is the concierge, four is the priestessromantic Literati Cultivator
Three is accustomed to appear on stage
free as a bird in a gilded cage.
Love Nest 2. Motherhood, Medicine Companionship, Motherhood
Ship Of State 3. Politics, Entertainment, Salesmanship , Showmanship
Sanctuary 4. Art, Culture, Literature Authorship
Ivory Tower 5. Science, Higher EducationScholarship
Halls of Justice 6. Law, Government, Friendship
Garden of Delight 7. Entertainment Sportsmanship Brinksmanship
Palace 8. Fatherhood, Industry, Leadership, Fatherhood
Castle In The Air 9. Philosophy, Diplomacy Ambassadorship Brinksmanship
Temple 1. Religion, Education Penmanship One-upmanship
Church & State
2. Missionary Love Nest Welcome Wagon Well Of Compassion
3. Political Pinnacle Of Success Show Boat Wheel Of Fortune
4. Artistic Cultural Sanctuary Emo’l Roller Coaster Wellspring Of Talent
5. Scientific Ivory Tower Train Of Thought Fountain Of Knowledge
6. LegislativeHalls Of JusticeBand Wagon
7. AdventurousGarden Of DelightMagic Carpet
8. ExecutiveBastion Of StrengthGravy Train
9. Philosophical Castle In The Air Dream Boat Field Of Clover
1. Judicial Pillar Of Virtue Tour Bus Lighthouse
built on the site of three of streams,
at the center of a Field-Of-Dreams.
2. Educational
4. Cultural
5. Scientific
6. Legislative
7. Adventurous
8. Executive
9. Philosophical
1. Judicial
Five is the genius, Seven is the brainchild, alchemist, innovator acrobat
Three is the ultimate work-place politician. phile activist
trilith conceptual social climber, status raiser
High at the top of their gilded cages
come three agencies for the ages,
Five is the Classical, Seven is the Renaissance,
Three is the leader of the New Age Bon Vivants
Five is the home front, Seven is the foreign,
Three is the innermost labyrinth warren,
Three is appointed to a
high overhead in a catbird seat.
Sharing assumptions of sovereignty
come three hives of commercial activity:
where three ‘miners’ unearth reward, pool standard bearers
Two admins from the well-of-compassion clear,
Four gives shelter in a separate-sphere
Nine gives travelers an easy chair,
high in his castle-in-the-air.
Charity acts, Emotions warm,
Id is a sanctuary from the storm.
built on the site of three of streams,
at the center of a Field-Of-Dreams.
Two is the Altruist, Four, Existentialist,
Nine is the diplomatic Philanthropist.
Two is the Operative, Four is the Spy,
Nine is the go-between the earth and sky.
nine develops a special rapport
with ice-breaker two and boat-rocker four,
brings them a visceral peace of mind
two/four passions rarely find.
six develops a special gait
with task-master one and boat-rocker eight, five in an ivory tower lights
seven in the garden of delights
three with the wheel of fortune stays
ethics / moral philosophy / principles / standards of justice
if intellect debates, decides
emotions ? sue, plead, appeal, beg,
instinct acts decides
high in board-of-directors aeries, profiteers,
sit three profit-sharing luminaries, big business capitalist
golden ages
five is the genius, seven is the teller, dilettante
three is the golden opportunity seller. public opinion. spin doctor
socialite debutante
where three climbers do their best,
reaching the pinnacles-of-success,
high-flyers’ panoramic view
five in a thinking cap will ride, brain-storms
seven in seven league boots will stride, snap
three in a tri-cornered hat
goes for a feather in his cap.
five is the master mind, seven is the renaissance,
three is the blabber of the blab lab pillow nonce
five is seated on the train-of-thought,
seven is perched in the crow’s-nest spot,
five on the train of thought abides
seven on a magic carpet rides
three is high above the street
sittin’ pretty in the cat-bird-seat.
five is the scientist, seven is the story-teller
three is master of ceremonies xx seller dweller
from the bottom of their hearts, sympatico
come humanities three fine arts, the children of the wind
two is the altruist, four, existentialist, innocent, beautiful romantic,
Intellect brightens, carries a bright patina Feelings gleam
Ego in school and the market place. manifests the big picture
the playing field sports arena
nine is the diplomatic good-will philanthropist. tranquil
gardeners, celebrants, shelterers,
learning instinct in the street,
nine in a dream boat steers the sail
thru troubled water with an even keel.
…find themselves at odds,
elder souls of the ennea-gram
learn of intellect in the school,
learn of emotions in the home
two serves water from a bottomless well,
four has a never-ending grace to tell,
nine has elbow rooms to spare,
high in his castle-in-the-air.
two saves people with a love-boat bouy,
four has a fantasy
two from a love-boat loves to dive,
four goes forth in a four-wheel drive,
nine with his even-keel is set,
catching dreams in his dream-boat net.
people pleasing, fantasy squeezing
two will elevate
two in a love boat cuddles and coos
four in a gypsy cab goes her own way,
emotional elevator
two puts lovers in a love boat booster,
four elevates them in a roller coaster,
nine elevates them by the pair,
four puts lovers on a pedestal high,
four is romantic, two, the believer,
nine is the philosophical dream weaver.
kitchen, harbingers of charity, safety
three ring circus
seven rides herd on a
five is the concept, seven is the acrobat,
eight is the lion tamer, seven is the acrobat,
three is the master of ceremonies democrat.
in their busy hives,
five in a golden chair is hung
seven on the tip of a silver tongue
three is achieving, seven is inquisitive, collecting,
five is gathering, all are acquisitive acquiring
five goes tunnel in a chemistry lab,
seven is blessed with the gift of gab,
five is genius, seven is
nine in his easy chair is warm
gives them shelter from the storm.
romantic realists
sit three ideal ports in a storm
two is the harbor, four is the berth,
nine is the castle in the air on earth.
two is philanthropy, four is erato,
nine is
where three constant gardeners prune
where three gardeners prune and trim
two picks flowers from a daisy meadow,
four shines truth thru a stain-glass window,
five sheds light
two waits around the clock,
four looks out from the widow’s walk,
nine, in his castles in the air,
watches and waits with a faraway stair.
performance genres: ego: stage and screen
7. comedy 5. tragedy 3. performing
government branches: conscience: church and state
1. judicial 8. executive 6. legislative
fine arts branches: id: hearth and home
4. romantic 2. altruistic 9. diplomatic
two is the actor, four is the dancer,
nine is the diplomatic gay romancer,
five is the symphony, seven is renaissance,
three is the three-penny opera diva
1. unity
2. equality
3. prosperity
4. individuality
6. security
7. liberty
8. autonomy
straddling types migrate to their partners’ faculty
3 goes to intellect at six (with 5 & 7)
6 goes to instinct at nine (with 1 & 8)
9 goes to emotion at three (with 2 & 4)
palpable types migrate to their partners’ psyche
2 goes to id at four (with 4 & 9)
5 goes to ego at eight (with 3 & 7)
8 goes to conscience at two (with 1 & 6)
withershin types migrate to a spot between their partners’ outlooks
4 goes to objective at one (between 2 & 9)
1 goes to optimistic at seven (between 6 & 8)
7, the exception to the rule, goes to objective at five
(with, not between 3 & 5)
withershin types do not match with either of the other two in migrating.
hence, one more area in which they are ‘contrary’ to the rest. seven can
be seen as agreeing while differing. because 7 goes to a spot with the other
two types. 7 makes it’s own case. 7 represents the very idea of liberty.
4, 6 & 8 all represent subjective equality, to some extent, as opposed to
1, 3 & 5 who all represent objective integrity?
and 7, 9 & 2 who all represent optimistic appreciation?
instinct concerns itself with longevity, justice, autonomy (liberty)
survival, ambition, pleasure/pain, strength/weakness
instinct acts emotion serves, polishes, finishes
intellect concerns itself with security, equality, cooperation, faith
commonality, authority, fact/fancy, truth/fiction
intellect debates instinct decides
emotion concerns itself with prosperity, status, hierarchy,
joy/sorrow, love/hate
emotion appeals intellect delays
each supports the others’ needs
fiction non-fiction
5. detective/sci-fi science/engineering
7. comedy/humor/action travel/cuisine
3. motivational/self-improvement politics/theater
8. adventure/suspense government/sports
1. satire/irony journalism/critique
6. cloak & dagger/mystery religion/history
2. romance medicine
4. tragedy/poetry biography/art
9. fairy tales/nursery rhymes philosophy/
come contestants in a three-legged race,
three is the master of ceremonies.
five is the master-mind, three is the
seven is known as the renaissance man.
ghost of a chance
five on a train of thought will meet,
three is high in a cat-bird seat,
seven is leaving a trail of dust,
hopping aboard on an omnibus.
how the id needs bolstering,
how the egos, holstering.
community of
soldiers of destiny underwriters of
magic happens, memory serves, sympathetic groups
actions speak louder than words, sympatico
span entire latitudes
of actions, thoughts and attitudes.
sharing assumptions of sovereignty
come three hives of mental activity
five is the genius, seven, renaissance man,
three is the ultimate work-place politician.
five at the fountain of knowledge pours,
seven, a garden of delight explores,
three appears at his or her best
climbing the pinnacle of success.
five at the fountain of knowledge ponders,
seven in a labyrinth of ideas wanders,
three appears at his or her best
climbing the pinnacle of success.
intellect learns to appeal the scene,
ego manifests stage and screen,
where three “luminaries” pool resilience pilots vehicles
the winds-of-fortune favor brilliance.cognoscenti
the pastures-of-plenty grow on miracles
emotions learn to act alone,
id makes manifest hearth and home,
where three “gardeners” plant their arbors,
ports-in-a-storm make beautiful harbors.
deep in the artist colony, patent orchestra
come the humanities essential three, romantics
Similar gifts that share concerns traits that distort the same in psych
end up taking different turns don’t necessarily resolve alike
Traits that look the same in
Traits that differ inside the groove
end up similar after they move
aren’t so alike on the right road down/up
don’t recover the same concern
Wrong road down is cohort starting,
right road up is company parting. a different picture
Three of similar type conniptions
call for three unique prescriptions,
Three traits will resolve at Conscience,
another three need a dose of sentience.
three times talismans
Friction The Big Three
Instinct acts, emotion serves,
intellect rules and allows for curves,Standard bearers, liaisons,
the entrepreneurial luminaries
faculty, psyche, resonances, mind-set outlook angle
define the borders of the ‘ennea-fences’. outlook windows.
trine each other thru the outlook windows.
Chairmen Spokesmen, Agents, Reps,
Nine of genius
Social Institutions
Custodians, caretakers, keys to the kingdom, man-at-arms