Chapter 4.
Nine Of Partnerships
Coupled are the qualities
In the higher faculties
Side-by-side they take their places
In their social circle spaces
Special is the ennea-order
Natures merge at every border
Being by their so collected
Positively co-affected
Hand in hand the members go
Dancing partners in a row
Locking arms, bumping shoes
Nine of “ennea-pas de deuxs”
Ennea-symbol echoes souls
Tends to mirror gender roles
Roughly, when the thing’s bisected
Yin and yang are seen reflected
On the left is left-brain logic
Male, scholastic, pedagogic
On the right is thoughtful feeling
Female, sentient, sense-appealing
Weighing in at one full third
Riding facultaic herd
Animal instinct trines with either
Sometimes both, sometimes neither
Each gift leads into the next
Sharing causes and effects
Blending at defining edges
Blurring lines between the wedges
Partners starting out in conflict
Go adjusting thoughts and conduct
Watch each other’s attitudes
Quote each other platitudes
Round and round the siblings ride
Contrast felt on either side
Nine of what they tell each other
Clockwise on the “ennea-mother”
One and Two, optical twins
Same pair of glasses, different lens
Next-door neighbors, boundary line
Two-way mirror, one-track mind
Bed of nails, feathered nest
Separate entrances, same address:
Tower of Virtue-Observation
Grand Central Conscience Station
‘Model Children’ start with parents
Best examples of forbearance
Others may indulge a craving
One and Two ain’t misbehaving
One says, “Be objective,
Common Sense is all-perfective“,
over-ruling to the fraction
unapproved, impulsive action.
Self-Control, where it resides,
offering essential guides,
warns it’s deeply caring mate,
“Compassion should discriminate”.
“Better Judgment must be trained,
Bleeding Hearts are scatter-brained.
Discipline your loving gazes,
don’t be a Sucker-for-hardluck-cases.”
Two becomes convincible
of plain, instinctive principle,
less inclined to be naive
with her heart out on her sleeve.
Prudence gets some leniency
from it’s sister’s buoyancy.
Hence, “Justice must be blind“,
plus, “Forgiveness is divine“.
Where the Conscience first cemented,
frugal and generous were invented.
Instincts, Feelings overfold
at the Judge and Heart Of Gold.
Two says, “Be concerned,
Kind Attention is returned“,
ministrating human will’s
mother-nurture kind of skills.
Selfless Service, lovingly,
compliments class-conscious Three,
adding, “While you play your part,
Ego needs to have-a-heart”.
“Bedside Manners serve a purpose,
Beauty Marks are only surface.
Thoughtfulness won’t wear your heart out,
don’t be a shallow Cardboard-Cutout.”
Three accepts the golden rule
as a useful sort of tool,
not so stuck in strict proceedings,
deaf ear turned to people’s pleadings.
Kindness reaps audacity
from her kin’s vivacity.
Hence, “Love’s a two-way street“,
plus the thought, “Success is sweet“.
In Emotion’s mainstream river,
cordial and competent stand and deliver,
picture-perfect, neatly ordered,
at the Nurse and Best-Foot-Forward.
Dual performers act apart
at the center of the heart:
self-aggrandized Tragedy /
self-mocking Comedy.
Neither knows the other’s lines,
actors seek approving signs,
as if acting in collusion
truth will follow staged illusion.
In the limelight feeling blooms,
Ego guards the dressing rooms.
standing proud between the fires
of one’s honesty and one’s desires.
Less the make-up, in exposure,
beauty loses it’s composure.
Less the audience’s gleanings,
feelings cease to have their meanings.
Ego, never willing hid,
tells the Conscience and the Id,
“Getting out in front is crucial,
don’t hide light beneath a bushel.”
Status symbols are erected
where emotions are directed.
Look for values being fixed
where the feelings all are mixed.
Three says, “Be competitive,
High Performance is imperative“,
broadcasting her position
to achieve some recognition.
Self-Esteem butts up against
esoteric temperaments,
saying, “Take them by surpise,
Creativity, advertise”.
“Social Skills will help you fend,
Private Shells are thin-skinned.
Put your Best Face on regardless,
don’t be a tragic Starving-Artist“.
Four emerges from her journal
more objective, less hormonal,
not so prone to sorrow trading,
neck-in-a-noose of her own braiding.
Showmanship gets more reflection
from her sister’s introspection,
hence: “Bloom where you’re planted“,
and “Exceptions must be granted“.
On emotion’s cutting edges,
proud and bohemian share the hedges
aristocrats and professionals vie
the Makeover Artist and Gifted Eye.
Four and Five, counter-balance
Fountain of knowledge / wellspring of talents
Creative juice and native smarts
Left brain science / right brain arts
Soup in the pot, spice and season
Light in the attic, rhyme and reason
All five senses, all four burners
Idio-centric Cozy Corners
‘Gifted children’ lead the rest
Plumbing streams-of-consciousness
Others look before they leap in
Four and Five are at the deep end
Four says, “Be selective,
Personal Taste needs be subjective”,
setting trends and changing minds
with interior-self designs.
Self-Expression looks within,
notifies her thinking twin,
“Feelings have atomic weight,
Intelligence should stimulate”.
“Native Art explores a wide ground,
Talking-Heads are way too hide-bound,
Put the antics in pedantics,
don’t be a Slave-to-mere-semantics“.
Five will try to stay connective
in his rhetoric based perspective
not so given to paint by numbers
eyes in human robot blinders
Talent comes by ingenuity
from her partner’s sheer acuity
thus: “To thine self be true“
and “Knowledge empowers you“.
Id interiors interlock,
offbeat & orderly sculpt in rock.
Feeling and Thought on parallel tracts
the Commentator and Head For Facts.
Five says, “Be observant,
Higher Thought is mentally fervent“,
categorizing all existence
from a safe, emotional distance.
Self-Instruction sits and sifts,
testing winds and catching drifts,
telling mates with much in common,
“Conscience ought to be examined”.
“Sound Logic gets you cracking,
Rubber Necks are nerve-racking.
Check the facts before you inform us,
don’t be a gullible False-Alarmist.”
Six submits this information
to the board of legislation,
not so hunting for a witch,
Genius gets some broader prospects
from his comrade’s sociable aspects,
thus: “Prove it if it’s true“,
plus: “Loyalty sticks like glue“.
Schools of thought exist together,
logical / zealous touch each other,
to and from each other draw,
the Scientist and Arm-Of-The-Law.
Co-dependents you will find
at the center of the mind:
Twins of Doubt and Certainty
rule the mental faculty.
Doubt’s a stormy ocean gale,
Certainty, the ship you sail.
compromise, the solid berth,
coming safely back to earth.
Asking is ambivalence,
knowing is obedience.
Sanity is therefore found
honoring a two-fold crown.
Do not look for truth in here,
only Conscience will appear,
estimating from the middle
arguments it cannot settle.
Conscience tells the Id and Ego,
“Side by side, wherever we go,
swearing pledges of allegiance
will ensure some private freedoms”.
Faith and knowledge do agree
with a tense security.
Look for minds that are united
where attention is divided.
Six says, “Be collective,
Corporate Faith is most effective“,
trusting in obedience,
the safest of expedients.
Group Mentality squarely grounds
siblings otherwise out-of-bounds,
“Life is full of compromise,
Versatililty, organize”.
“Moral Fiber is demanded,
Itchy Feet are under-handed.
Keep your nose clean, do what’s right,
don’t be a shiftless Fly-By-Night.”
Seven starts to knuckle down,
keep his light-feet on the ground,
not so quick to jump at pipe dreams,
up to his neck in get-rich-quick-schemes.
Loyalty adjusts it’s gravity
to his brother’s sense of levity,
hence: “Country, right or wrong“,
plus: “Party all night long“.
Where the partisan lines are thick,
faithful and playful always click,
bosom buddies swapping views,
the Volunteer and Nose For News.
Seven and Eight, counter-weights
Left / right big-wheel axle mates
Brains and brawn joined at the hip
Same brass ring, different grip
Mover and shaker, nerve and spine
Bird’s eye view, bottom-most line
Cunning and stealth, guts and glory
Corporate Ego Office Aerie
‘Sibling rivals’ stir up sediments
Overcoming large impediments
Others get it done the fair way
Seven and Eight are doing it their way
Seven says, “Be spontaneous
Native Wit is extemporaneous“
Juggling barely kept appointments
With unscheduled, new enjoyments
Self-Diversity’s optimism
Says to instinct’s pragmatism
“Use the element of surprise
Prowess needs to improvise”
“Mental Agility gives you know-how
Rough Necks all are mostly low brow
Learn to exploit a thinking molecule
Don’t be a Throwback-in-the-Genepool“
Eight begins to pull his punches
More cerebral with his hunches
Not so apt to charge around
Knuckles dragging on the ground
Exuberance is anchored by
A sober sense of do-or-die
Hence: “Carpe diem more“
Plus: “All’s fair in love and war“
Ego’s light-foot spirit merges
With it’s head-strong impulse urges
Nimble / tenacious wheel and deal
The Raconteur and Nerves Of Steel
Eight says, “Be pro-active
Basic Instinct is impactive“
Storming time-honored bastions
To resolve unsettled questions
Self-Reliance, taking charge
Goads his trusting kin at large
“Patience and the Id are grand
But have-the-guts to take a stand”
“Intestinal Fortitude is honed
Soft-Spots are lazy-boned
Put some character in your format
Don’t be a spineless Passive-Doormat“
Nine emerges from his fog
Not so bump upon a log
Not so ever alone in crowds
With his head up in the clouds
Puissance gets a calmer quality
From his kin’s impartiality
Thus: “Life is what you make it“
Plus: “Better to bend than break it“
Stubborn streaks run face to face
Forceful and peaceful interlace
Where instinctive drives are bred
At the General and Level Head
Two extremists argue credo
At the center of libido:
Bitter truth or pleasantry?
Sense or Sensibility?
Instinct is involuntary
Instant and reactionary
Causing quick, decisive actions
Often based on firm decisions
Equilibrium is ingrained
By the stubborn Id maintained
Caught between the rival towers
Of one’s free will and one’s will-powers
Both agree to both be chief
Up until, in stark relief
Things, immovable on their courses
Meet with irresistible forces
Id tells Ego and the Conscience
“Balance body, mind, and sentience
Too much liberty, you’ll destroy it
Too many rules, you can’t enjoy it”
Tactile contradictions enter
Peace is brokered in the center
Look for treaties being made
Where reactions are delayed
Nine says, “Be collected
Sang Froid is least expected“
Refereeing conflict tangles
From his natural, neutral angles
Self-Possession swallows grudges
Reassuring next-door judges
“To be absolutely just
Prudence also needs to trust”
“Even Temper keeps things rosy
Pointing Fingers are way too nosy
Bite your tongue at human error
Don’t be a scolding Holy-Terror“
One attempts to soften speeches
Stops to practice what he preaches
Not so ready a hostile witness
Nose in everyone else’s business
Aplomb gains some moral support
From his mate’s right-minded comport
Hence: “Take things at your leisure“
Plus: “Business before pleasure“
Cardinal Instincts talk the talk
Neutral and ethical walk the walk
Where these two are intertwined
The Diplomat and One-Track-Mind
Thus it leads where it began
With the faculties of man
Round they flow one into one
Never stopping, never done
Traits that would be uni-lateral
Stretching to become compatible
Somewhat ease and mellow for
The rich relation’s trait next door
Even so they’re merely stuffing
In their static states are nothing
Picture postcards do they make
Shallow sleeping, sound awake
Natures resting on their laurels
End up having family quarrels
Offering the worst perspectives
On each other’s main objectives
Nine of diamonds in the rough
Standing still, are not enough
Nor does running three-legged races
Put them through their proper paces
Only when they move to lessons
With their distant country-cousins
Teaming up to recombine
Do their proper facets shine
All of natures have their angles
Ironing out the last one’s wrinkles
Acrobats in loop-the-loops
Have to jump through ennea-hoops
Each of natures marks an ‘x’
Makes a gateway to the next
Represents another turning
On the path of ennea-learning
Self-ness is about improvement
Nine of gifts depend on movement
Where they move to love and glory
Is another “ennea-story”
Song Of Numbers by Ennea-Dragon © Copyright Jas Hilsdon, 2010-2016