Nine Of Numbers
Nine were the numbers given Man
When the counting first began
Nine, the quantities represented
Nine, the qualities they presented
Nine, apart from the empty symbol
Known as the quantity of Nothing, Zero
Nine are the only numerals seen
Nine is everything numbers mean
Nine, the product of three times three
Triplet branches of the triplet tree
Ennea-grammatically demonstrates
Numbers stand for character traits
Nine are the players on a baseball team
U.S. Justices held supreme
Seminal planets in the solar field
Nine individuals are revealed
Nine are the Muses of Mythology
The principles ruling Numerology
Apertures found in the human body
Nine is the fundamental everybody
Nine are the paradigms, nine is whole
Cardinal attributes of the soul
Worthy needs the soul espouses
Well-known selves in their self-made houses
Nine, the first ones found in numbers
Knights of the Round, the founding members
Come with penalties and awards
Positive / negative double-edged swords
Read on further, be prepared
Nine are the types you’ll see compared
The best of qualities humans reach
The worst of traits that go with each
Nine are the voices numbers cast
Standing out in sharp contrast
Stripped-down traits that say, “I am”
Clockwise round the Enneagram
One of Numbers, The Supervisor
One is a principled entity
The symbol of frugality
One-of-a-kind, a rarity
One is straight Integrity
One is Some-ness, second-to-none
A sole objective, the self is one
Straight as an arrow on a one-way street
A first impression in the judgment seat
One is foresight wearing blinders
Best behavioral, rare reminders
Instinct’s only lonely sample
Trying to set a Good Example
One is a New Year’s resolution
A single-minded institution
The voice of Sensibility
A single shred of decency
One is also critical, pompous
Keeping an eye on a Moral Compass
Standing erect with a discipline whip
Practicing strict One-upmanship
One is a tutor in charge of pupils
Being Ethical, having Scruples
The poster child for the prudent soul
Found in the House of Self-Control
Two of Numbers, The Missionary
Two is the point of empathy
The origin of fecundity
Gushing with heart-felt sympathy
Two is true Sensitivity
Two is –more-ness-, husband and wife
A mother and father affirming life
Second opinions, happy and sad
Taken together-ness, good with bad
Two is the one to divide itself
Simply emotional, beside itself
A bedside-manner applying gauzes
Being supportive of Worthy Causes
Two is polarity, white and black
Opposite characters that attract
Lion and lamb, hawk and dove
Sharing burdens of hate and love
Two is duplicitous, Saint-cum-Bigot
Both hands on an Emotional Spigot
Two-faced, hystrionic, virtue stressing
Interfering, Second guessing
Two is caring doing it’s part
Being Compassionate, having Heart
The voice of Charity, twice as nice
The House of Love’s Self-Sacrifice
Three of Numbers, The Impressario
Three is a new complexity
The changing face of imagery
Geometric mutability
Three is Adaptability
Three is the symbol where solid starts
Greater-ness- than the sum of it’s parts
The visible form all comers take
That greets the eyes for appearance’s sake
Three is excellent, out of the chute
Shows up dressed in a three-piece suit
The voice of recognized potentials
Coming across with Good Credentials
Three are the most essential needs
Where three happens, three succeeds
Any progress that has been made
Three turns into a big parade
Three is a phony, ready to flatter
Striking a pose on a Social Ladder
Scenery chewing, dressed to kill
Trying to pass a Three-dollar bill
Three is driven to playing roles
Being Competent, having Goals
The Alter Ego’s cream of the cream
The House of Promotional Self-Esteem
Four of Numbers, The Innovator
Four is a grand formality
Graceful individuality
Expressing itself aesthetically
Four is pure Creativity
Four is the square that contains itself
The boundary line that frames itself
Reflecting on the exterior
The –different-ness- of the interior
Four is a breath of new, fresh air
Unique approach with a certain flair
The voice of personal introspection
Breaking the rules with a Good Exception
Four are the seasons and their splendors
The disparate artistry each one renders
Cardinal winds from distant forces
Bringing news from dissimilar sources
Four is pretentious, the Queen of Hearts
Keeping track with Comparison Charts
Stoops to imperious condescension
Nursing wounds in the Fourth dimension
Four with deep insight is graced
Being Talented, having Taste
A colorful blend of heart and mind
The House of Interior Self-Design
Five of Numbers, The Theoretician
Five is the well-known faculty
Employing intellectuality
Relying on mental acuity
Five is sheer Ingenuity
Five is the issue of head orders
The Pentagon building: head-quarters
The –sharp-ness- of a brilliant star
The thoughtful spare tire on a car
Five is the zoom on a mental lens
Wanting to see where the galaxy ends
Focusing in on the tiniest spot
Figuring out with an Excellent Thought
Five are the senses that come discerning
The mental connection wired for learning
Touching tangible necessities
Confirming what the mind’s eye sees
Five is greedy, wants it all
Hoards behind an emotional wall
Petulant, suffering fools all day
Stingy as a five-and-dime store give-away
Five goes to scientific pains
Being Knowledgable, having Brains
The voice of logical, clear deduction
Lodged in the House of Self-Instruction
Six of Numbers, The Patriot
Six is related to majority
The source of government authority
Authentic commonality
Six is Group Mentality
Six in Nature’s symmetry dwells
Crystals, snowflakes, honeycomb cells
A symbol of –alikeness- by alliance
The shape of true, sincere compliance
Six conforms to the lead batons
Sheriffs’ badges, hexagons
Corporate-Faith in Church and Nation
Earning a citizen’s Good Citation
Six: the majority of members
Grass roots, safety found in numbers
The voice of Patriotic vigilance
A guard on duty with a sixth-sense
Six is afraid of what’s ahead
Goes to sleep with a nameless dread
Stretches his neck to save his nose
Scanning the skies for UFOs
Six is devotion’s staunch belief
Being Committed, having Faith
Unioninzing with a vengeance
Camped in the House of Collective Conscience
Seven of Numbers, The Raconteur
Seven is a mixed curiosity
Moving at a high velocity
Bursting with mental agility
Seven is plus Versatility
Seven is –multi-ness- at it’s peak
Updated schedules, days of the week
Comedian’s comical thumb-nail sketch
Audience’s seventh-inning stretch
Seven is a bird’s-eye-view of nerve
Native Wit on a hair-pin curve
Ready to go at the slightest rumor
Hopping aboard the ship Good Humor
Wonders of the ancient world are Seven
Rainbow colors, levels of Heaven
Contingency plan-making on the run
Lots of variety, just for fun
Seven is reckless, gathers clutter
Rushes to judgment with a Corner-Cutter
Breaks a mirror, gets a seven-year itch
It can’t ever scratch and won’t quite ditch
Seven is pluck with good luck near it
Being Exuberant, having Spirit
The voice of quick familiarization
The House of Self-Diversification
Eight of Numbers, The Autocrat
Eight is a ready opportunity
Dominating with vitality
Arms-around capacity
Eight is extra Tenacity
Eight has self-preserving charms
Scorpion legs, octopus arms
The billiard game’s conclusive ball
Bold, decisive, winner-takes-all
Eight has –serious-ness– in purpose
The Eighth Amendment, Habeas corpus
Basic instinct, brutally smart
Taking the lead with a Good Head-Start
Eight is justice in the wild
Protection for the inner child
Ready to fight for the lion’s share
Climbs a mountain because it’s there
Eight is arrogant, hatching a scheme
Robs from the weak to support the regime
Cut-throat, lustful, lying in wait
To grab all the goodies with tentacles eight
Eight is an appetite, soup to nuts
Being Strong, having Guts
The voice of pure, instinctive science
Ruling the House of Self-Reliance
Nine of Numbers, The Diplomat
Nine is a fine finality
The picture of neutrality
Content with anonymity
Nine is all Equanimity
Nine is atop two flights of stairs
Contemplating in the rarified airs
Feeling composed of nerves unjittered
Thinking all things are well considered
Nine in a crisis melts the ice
Serving a pie with an extra slice
Even-temper, long sensations
Smoothing things over with Good Vibrations
Nine is a calm reporter sending
Word of a possible happy ending
The balancer of the qualities
The harmonizer of the faculties
Nine is lazy, rarely athletic
Placid, negligent, goal apathetic
Out of sight or last in line
Dozing off again on Cloud nine
Nine is the equalizing law
Being Composed, having Sangfroid
The voice of patience by profession
The instinct’s House of Self-Possession
Thus, the nine of numbers stand
Linked together in the “Ennea-band”
Points on a circle taking stock
Marking time on the “Ennea-clock”
Ten, the hand that sweeps the dial
Keeping track of the rank and file
Points to the principal witnesses
Nine is Time’s what-time-it-is
Look for the quality a number brings
Adding numbers is adding things
See how the figures go to show
The whole nine yards, tic-tac-toe
Nine, the number gives one pause
Nine adheres to magical laws
Inexplicable symmetries
Mathematical mysteries
If reductive math is done
(Reduce all sums to digits of one)
Twelve, for instance, adds to Three
One is what ten (one and aught) will be
Nine plus three is Twelve, but see
The one and two add back to Three
Nine plus any other member
Always adds back to that number
Under the same rule’s application
Results invert with multiplication
Nine in a sum evaporates
Nine in a product dominates
Nine times three is Twenty-seven
Nine is the sum of two and seven
Anything multiplied by nine
Always adds back up to nine
No one questions the pedagogic
Numbers all adhere to logic
Let it be known that in addition
Nine have instinct and emotion
Nine are the months it takes the womb
To weave a human on the loom
Nine of qualities find expression
All in the consciousness of a person
Study your place on the number line
A stitch in time will save you nine
Learn your numerical blessings and curses
Glean from the following chapters and verses
Why, that a human seeks improvement
When, that a number must have movement
Where, when they set the standards bar
What, when a number goes too far…
Song Of Numbers © Copyright Ennea-Dragon, 2010