Nine of Natures
Nine in number are the keys
to the human qualities
part and parcel to the soul
that combine to make it whole.
Nine of leading links are there,
forged in a chain to share
all responsibilities
governing the faculties.
Nine of natures interlock,
equal members of the flock
form the human consciousness,
none is worst and none is best.
Nine is all the humans being,
put together for the seeing,
brought to light as they assemble
round the ancient “Ennea-symbol”.
On this pithy, compact graph,
grain is winnowed from the chaff,
numbers are personified,
natures are identified.
Gaze within the “Ennea-mirror”,
human traits are made clearer,
motives at your beck and call,
names are given to them all.
See the way in which they mix up
in your fundamental make-up,
witness all the gifts and talents
hanging in the “Ennea-balance”.
Nine of spokes around a drum,
in conterminous order come,
each successor’s beat begins
where it’s predecessor’s ends.
Told in tales, sung in fables,
known by many names and labels,
human natures carved in rock,
counting ’round the “Ennea-clock”.
One of natures: Common Sense,
the Father of benevolence.
Wisdom is the gift alone
by which all the rest are known.
Second nature: Empathy,
the Mother of fertility.
Charity invites concern,
gives without thought of return.
Third: Adaptability,
child of great possibility.
Where Ambition reaches goals,
assume the self is playing roles.
Four of natures: Native Art,
investigates the human heart.
Pure Aesthetic Introspection
recreates by deep reflection.
Fifth: Rationality,
seeks truth in totality.
Where the nest and bed is feathered,
Prosperous Ideas are gathered.
Nature six: Fidelity,
honors groups with Loyalty.
Reverence defends the lines,
forms a bond of common minds.
Seventh: Versatility,
celebrates diversity.
Joy and Spirit intermesh,
keep the mental interest fresh.
Nature eight: Vitality,
overcomes adversity.
Every other nature thrives
where the Power of Will survives.
Nature nine: Serenity,
maintains constant harmony.
Patience is the final word,
keeps all natures in accord.
Into life as each is driven,
nine are the gifts the self is given,
each comprising an honest cut,
all gifts being equal, but,
individuals emphasize,
over-develop and dramatize,
one or two above the rest,
believing them to be the best.
Human beings tend to hover,
feel one nature or another
has some extra special smack
all the rest appear to lack.
Once the human consciousness
favors one above the rest,
there the self attempts to dwell,
captured by that nature’s spell.
Once the psyche has to strain
against the locomotive grain,
grooves are formed, weights are borne,
a personality rut is worn.
Having one gift punctuated,
leaves the others understated.
Too much shift in one location
leads to possible self-stagnation.
No one gift can carry them all,
destiny may rise or fall,
when in times of over-stress,
one lone gift is put to test.
Nine are the natures torn asunder,
once they begin to buckle under,
nine the most distinctive ways
the personality decays.
When the numbers overstate,
making attempts to compensate,
an imbalance self will feel,
lopside on the “Ennea-wheel”.
Song Of Numbers, by Ennea-Dragon © Copyright Jas Hilsdon, 2010