Chapter 7.
Nine Of Miscellany
Nine is a miscellany of composites,
“Lifestyle Accessories” in your closets,
all allegorical inventory,
what you bring to the “Ennea-party”.
Each type comes with it’s favorite wares.
Nine of “Customary Chairman Chairs“
help your type stay even-keel,
here on the “Ennea-Ferris-Wheel”.
Nine is physical appearances,
anatomical references,
“prominent features”, so to speak,
“natural assets”, tongue-in-cheek.
Nine in kind are tools-of-the-trade,
“house Jack built”, “bed you’ve made”,
“odds and ends” left in a heap,
“proverbial pets” you likely keep;
then there’s the “articles of faith” you bargain,
common French phrases that fit your jargon,
“out-fits” that you may have sported,
household names you’ve been awarded.
Man doesn’t live on bread alone,
nine are the sorts of “recipes” known.
Now your type can be discovered
by the “foodstuff” in your cupboard.
Match the type you most resemble
with the “belongings” you assemble,
keepsakes, boxes, strings and wrappings,
the best and worst of karmic trappings.
“Musical Instruments” you may ply
come with the seat you occupy.
Where do your philharmonics fit,
here in the “Ennea-orchestra” pit?
“Classic clothing” kept on hand,
comes with the territory you command.
If the “shoe” fits, lace those strings;
these are a few of your favorite things.
ONE of miscellany: “Judgment Throne,
list of commandments carved in stone,
rule book, school book, straight-back seat,
a tongue-to-bite and a brow-to-beat;
light house, glass house, single-edge sword,
moral compass, will-power cord,
soap box, pill box, dirty-mouth soap,
upright piano, uptight-rope;
bee-in-the-bonnet, scape-goat paddle,
one-trick pony, guilt-trip saddle,
straight face, straight-lace, needling thread,
eyes-in-the-back-of School-Master’s head;
pillar of virtue climbing spur,
Holy Joe’s bible, “De Rigueur”,
sensible foot-ware, Plain Jane’s bow,
a task-to-master and a row-to-hoe;
hard-nose, stiff-neck, stiff upper lip,
muck-rake, back-bone-character whip,
bone-of-contention, axe-to-grind,
one-size-fits-all, one-track mind;
first edition, rule of thumb,
the Good Example marching drum,
one’s own medicine, cold stuffed-shirts,
the “I-TOLD-YOU-SO”er’s Just Desserts“.
TWO of miscellany: “Side Saddle,
gift-horse harness, under-dog paddle,
love letter, chain letter, heart-of-gold,
shoulder-to-cry-on, hand-to-hold;
love bird, love nest, wedding-bell knell,
emotional spigot, bottomless well,
two goody-two-shoes, little white lies,
bedside manner, bedroom eyes;
double entendre, second-hand hope,
heart-string plectrum, rescue rope,
errand of mercy, maternity leave,
the Care-Giver’s heart-out-on-the-sleeve;
front door welcome mat, back door key,
my Gal Friday’s “Eminence gris”,
Suzy Helpmeet’s radar screen,
levers-to-pull behind the scene;
welcome wagon, love-boat rudder,
pry bar, apple polish, flattery butter,
wet hen, mother hen, bug-in-the-ears,
Janus-cloth suit, crocodile tears;
second row fiddle, sympathetic strings,
the Good Samaritan pair of wings,
milk-of-human-kindness shake,
the “LOVE-FIXES-EVERYTHING”er’s Angel-Food Cake“.
THREE of miscellany: “Cat-bird Seat,
hoops-to-jump-through, records-to-beat,
bed of roses, luxury car,
wheel of fortune, rising star;
iron-on decal, packaging wrap,
elevator shoes, feather-in-cap,
quick-change costume, three-piece suit,
a horn of plenty and a horn-to-toot;
class ring, brass ring, gilded cage,
corner-of-the-market, center-of-stage,
top coat, show boat, mainstream oar,
the Sidewalk-Pounder’s foot-in-the-door;
lap of luxury, feet of clay,
Modern Millie’s “Cause celebre”,
lip stick, press kit, headline beater,
Gorgeous George’s applause meter;
compliment-fishing rod and reel,
an act-to-follow and a scene-to-steal,
cheese-cake mug, beef-cake platter,
Social Climber’s hook-and-ladder;
third eye, spotlight, ad bill-board,
the Good Performer blue-ribbon award,
fortune cookie, upper-crust top,
the “SHOW-MUST-GO-ON”er’s Cream Of The Crop“.
FOUR of miscellany: “Mood Swing
cultured pearl, mood ring
mark of distinction, different drum
finger-on-the-pulse, gardener’s thumb
fine-line ruler, comparison chart
a mold-to-break and a trend-to-start
contra-bassoon. counter-wise clock
a fashion plate and a writer’s block
high brow, free hand, drawing room
an objet d’art and a nom de plume
poetic license, musical chair
the Fashion Designer’s nose-in-the-air
cutting-edge shears, cultural shard
Mary Contrary’s “avant garde”
long-black veil, bohemian truss
emotional maze for Gloomy Gus
Drama-Queen crown, Dark-Horse collar
gypsy-cab horse-of-a-different-color
bail-out bucket, misericord
emotional deep-end diving board
fourth dimension, personal space
the Good Exception special case
nonpareil chocolates, passion-fruit crepes
the “WOE-IS-ME”er’s Sour Grapes“
FIVE of miscellany: “Seat Of Reason,
text book, science book, messenger pigeon,
quick-disconnect switch, thinking cap,
patented gadget, better mouse-trap;
think tank, data bank, rorschatz blot,
fountain of knowledge, school of thought.
lab-rat lunch, bookworm snack,
a kernal of truth and a nut-to-crack;
table of elements, fossilized bone,
traveler’s armchair, philosopher’s stone,
emotional wall, wall-flower bed,
the lightbulb over the Brain-Surgeon’s head;
nit-pick, pencil-neck, trojan horse,
Smart Alec’s logical “tour de force”,
Nervous Nelly’s fox-hole god,
thread of logic, divining rod;
cheap skates, smarty pants, freudian slip,
dog-in-the-manger purse-string grip,
crack-pot, odd-ball, brain-storm shower,
bats-in-the-belfry, ivory tower;
fifth dimension, head over heels,
the Good Hypothesis wheels within wheels,
fruit-cake flour, stone-soup pot,
the “I-THINK-I’VE-GOT-IT”er’s Food For Thought“.
SIX of miscellany: “Shot-gun Seat,
nice warm hands, ice cold feet,
fire-arms, coat-of-arms, motto and crest,
pledge of allegiance, bullet-proof vest;
padlock, safety net, fire-brigade bucket,
financial umbrella, security blanket,
red tape, fire escape, union cotton,
worry-wart beads, panic button;
ufo snapshots, big-foot prints,
conspiracy theory, gossip fence,
grape vine, picket line, pin-drop sound,
the Lookout’s eyes-and-ears-to-the-ground;
loyalist’s ceiling, rebel’s floor,
G.I. joe’s “esprit de corps”,
pack-rat call, watch-dog promise,
revolving door for the Doubting Thomas;
red-neck bible-belt, brown-shirt sleeves,
hall of justice, den of thieves,
welcoming committee, firing squad,
birds-of-a-feather, peas-in-a-pod;
six-pack, gun rack, rumor-mill news,
the Good Fellowship with goose-step shoes,
fat for the fire, breadcrumb trails,
the “BUT-WHAT-IF”er’s Juicy Details“.
SEVEN of miscellany: “Seat-Of-The-Pants,
spur-of-the-moment, ghost-of-a-chance,
skid marks, dust cloud, race-car circuit,
ticket-to-ride on a magic carpet;
rack of many-hats, stunt-man suits,
coat-o-many-colors, seven-league boots,
sweet tooth, funny bone, thumb-nail sketch,
a tongue-to-wag and a truth-to-stretch;
hot dog, lucky dog, carnival booth,
flash-in-the-pan, fountain of youth.
rip cord, bungee cord, good-luck charm,
the Rabid-Enthusiast’s shot-in-the-arm;
hands-in-the-cookie-jar, trick-up-the-sleeve,
Johnny-On-The-Spot with “joie de vivre”,
finish-line ribbon, starting-line gun,
Merry Andrew with a barrel of fun;
thin ledge, betting hedge, trap-door latch,
more-than-one-basket, plans to hatch,
crash-course cymbals, guided missiles,
pressure-relief valve, bells and whistles;
seventh heaven, rainbow mix,
the Bon Vivant with a bag of tricks,
pot-luck stew, slice of life,
the “BEEN-THERE-DONE-THAT”er’s Spice Of Life“.
EIGHT of miscellany: “Seat Of Power,
battle-scar tale, finest hour,
strong suit, trump suit, eye-on-the-ball,
feet-on-the-ground, back-to-the-wall;
hard hat, power tie, chain of command,
piece o’ the action, bird-in-the-hand,
pants-in-the-family, ace-in-the-hole,
a pillar of strength, the totem pole;
top dog, road hog, china-shop wreck,
diamond-in-the-rough, reality check,
brass hat, brass tacks, tooth and nail,
a chest-to-beat for the Alpha Male;
war drum, jungle drum, au naturel,
Good-time Charley’s “elan vital”,
a score-to-settle and a roost-to-rule,
Even Steven’s gentleman’s duel;
gut wrench, jockey bench, bear-hug coma,
school of hard knocks street-smarts diploma,
pissing contest, square-in-the-face,
red-tape scissors to cut to the chase;
eight ball, hard ball, sweat-of-the-brow,
the Good Ol’ Boy with a snow-job plow,
wild oats cookie, big-cheese dip,
the “STICK-TO-YOUR-GUNS”er’s Bargaining-Chip“.
NINE of miscellany: “Easy Chair,
comforts of home, castle in the air,
dream boat, slow boat, even keel,
stream-of-consciousness steering wheel;
soft spot, blind spot, weakest chain link,
anonymous pen-name, disappearing ink,
fog horn, bull horn, familiar bell,
wool-to-gather, epics-to-tell;
white flag, white noise, fairy-tale book,
tune-out dial, babbling brook,
peace-pipe and slippers, another man’s shoes,
the Neutral-Observer’s slo-blo fuse;
wish bone, lazy bone, faraway stair,
Johnny-Come-Lately’s “laissez faire”,
bluebird-of-happiness, mental candy,
a coping saw for Handy Andy;
lame duck, lone wolf, stray-from-the-pack,
crisis band-aid, monkey-on-the-back,
straddling fence, private joke,
rose-colored glasses, invisible cloak;
cloud nine, back-nine, dream-boat sails,
the Good-Will Ambassador balancing scales,
fruit of the labor, humble pie,
the “WHAT-ME-WORRY?”er’s Pie-In-The-Sky“.
Song Of Numbers, by Ennea-Dragon © Copyright 2010