Chapter 8.
Nine of Arguments
nine are the age-old arguments
that test the soundest common sense.
nine is a set of loosened threads
continuing to rear their ugly heads.
nine are the lines drawn in the sand,
passions taking a passionate stand.
issues ernestly divided,
nine are the coins, double-sided.
nine are the questions asked in awe
unsettled in a court of law.
nine the conundrums have evolved,
nine the riddles that can’t be solved.
nine is a compromise that binds,
the ennea-“meeting of the minds”.
One of arguments: judge’s draw,
spirit of the law / letter of the law.
one of queries asks the breath:
“is there life after death?”
one can never say for certain,
til one goes behind that curtain.
but by then one comes up short.
now it’s too late to report.
if in dreams we wonder showing,
surely dying, then, is knowing.
Two of arguments: double feature,
questions Nurture versus Nature.
how your character might be formed,
Three of arguments: showman’s instance,
Is it Style or is it Substance?
three of queries: the saying goes,
“do clothes make the man or the man the clothes?”
sometimes handsome, other times cute,
sometimes merely an empty suit.
the clothes were designed and made by women.
that’s why he looks so darn good in ’em.
if you really want to impress him,
call him “sir” when you address him.
Four of arguments: writer’s prism,
subjectivism / objectivism.
four of queries asks if art
imitates life or life imitates art,
objects can’t be too subjective
if subjects are the true objective.
part of life is re-creative,
that’s why art is imitative.
lots of art is based on guessy,
that’s why life is so darn messy.
Five of arguments: thinker’s bludgeon,
science versus pure religion,
many a knot has no solution,
creationism versus evolution.
five of queries: please, i beg,
“what came first, the chicken or egg?”
how can a chicken egg have made it
if it needs a chicken to have laid it?
Six of arguments: partisan’s freight,
the line between the church and state,
just as important, it’s twin edition:
progress versus strict tradition.
Seven of arguments: teacher’s station.
freedom versus obligation,
Eight of arguments: boss’s station,
free will versus predetermination,
everything is based on doing,
Nine of arguments: diplomat’s tea,
fantasy versus reality,
plus related thoughts
lassaiz faire versus intervention
the whole nine yards
systems of thought: (vs musings)
naturalism: religious truth is derived from nature, as opposed to revelation.
(rejects spiritual & supernatural explanations)
vs science
Song Of Numbers, by Ennea-Dragon © Copyright 2010